Tiaano design, manufacturing & installing oxy-hydrogen generator HHO is one of the innovative ideas, which is commonly used in the modern days. By this system, we can reduce the fuel usage and reduce the carbon emission. As well as it will improve the efficiency of the vehicle, generator also. Ti Anode Fabricators Private limited, Chennai is also one of the tough competitors in this field. Most of the companies try to make low class with the low price so some people were interested to get the low price product but it requires regular maintenance and need chemicals or catalyst on regular interval for the successful working and the system automatically stop that working within 6 months because the worth of the system thus much only.
Tiaano Make is the best HHO kits because we use Titanium Anodes in the Kit with the MMO Coating. Titanium is the non-corroded material and because of the Metal Oxide Coating on the anode, no need chemicals in future. The warranty for the system is 2 years but it will work for 15 to 25 years because of the Titanium electrode. We can keep the same kit for our vehicles in the life time and move it into the new vehicle.
The Electrodes are placed in the transparent shell. By this we can find the water level of the two wheeler kit. In the heavy vehicles, we will provide the level indicator. By the level indicator, we can find the water level in the tank.
Below links for more details of the Tiaano HHO kit.
Project Details:-
Designer, Manufacturer and Supplier: Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai.
Brand Name: Tiaano
Type: Oxy-Hydrogen Generator System
Application: Research and Development
Installation at: India
Inspection by: Customer
Reference Link:-
Contact us:
Phone: +91 9444569900, 9176883999