June 29, 2023 at 10:56 AM
Tiaanoâ Make is the best HHO kits because we use Titanium Anodes in the Kit with the MMO Coating. Titanium is the non-corroded material and because of the Metal Oxide Coating on the anode, no need chemicals in future. The warranty for the system is 2 years but it will work for 15 to 25 years because of the Titanium electrode. We can keep the same kit for our vehicles in the life time and move it into the new vehicle.
The Electrodes are placed in the transparent shell. By this we can find the water level of the two wheeler kit. In the heavy vehicles, we will provide the level indicator. By the level indicator, we can find the water level in the tank.
Below links for more details of the Tiaano HHO kit.
· Improve the Mileage
- Recovery of fuel performance
- Reduction in exhaust emission
- Recovery of Torgue & Horsepower
- Multi-fold the engine performance
This is where a lot of variables come into play including engine condition, engine load, fuel used and gas injected. The results varied from 2% to 32%. In marine trials over 20% had been obtained. However the best result we had witnessed in diesel engines. And Gasoline or Petrol engines will give much better results than diesel engines.
Reference Link:-
contact us: esurveyor@tiaano.com
PH: +91 9444569900, 9176883999